How the gradings go
For mon grades, players need to satisfy a set of criteria which are published by the club. Currently these are as follows:
1-3 Mon (red belts)
Assessment of grade they are going for only.
No competition criteria.
4-7 Mon (yellow belts and bottom orange)
Assessment of grade they are going for only.
Competition criteria: participation in at least one club open event.
8-12 Mon (middle orange to top green)
Assessment of grade they are going for plus current grade.
Competition criteria: Performance at club events and participation in at least one event outside the club.
13 Mon and above (blue & brown belts)
Assessment of grade they are going for plus current and previous grades.
Competition criteria: Performance at events generally outside the club.
Participation focuses on effort and sportsmanship.
Performance focuses on skills shown and in some cases results.
Possible alternative criteria would be either qualification and activity as a referee or learning of (to demonstrate standard) a kata.
Assessment of grade refers to the theory syllabus which is in a separate document and also on the BJA website.
Sometimes the coaches do the assessments well in advance of a grading and “bank” the results for later use when and if the player becomes ready for the grade.
Work ethic and behavior on the mat is also taken into consideration, as is how often the player trains. Also, we sometimes need to not grade a player too quickly if it rules them out of competitions appropriate to their level.
Kyu grades are awarded when the coaches feel the player is ready and after completion of the theory syllabus, and with similar competition criteria for younger seniors. For older players, the competition criteria will not be applied but possible alternatives such as kata may be used.